Waking up early hungover

13 Oct 2004
South Shields
Hey all,

Went out last night (well day) for a few drinks with a mate of mine, had som take away about 9 or 10 and then went to sleep yet here I am with an awful head ache at 4:30 in the morning, I have nothing on tomorrow so that doesn't matter but does this happen to anyone else?

All the time. When I was younger I got drunk and slept for hours but now I wake up at ridiculous times. It's not so bad if I go clubbing because I usually drink until I'm unconscious and sleep longer but if I go to the pub and come home before 11pm I'm usually awake by 4/5am. It's an absolute ******* to get back to sleep when you've already slept for a few hours :( All you can do is take a few paracetamol and drink plenty of water to rehydrate yourself.
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Pigeon_Killer said:
All the time. When I was younger I got drunk and slept for hours but now I wake up at ridiculous times. It's not so bad if I go clubbing because I usually drink until I'm unconscious and sleep longer but if I go to the pub and come home before 11pm I'm usually awake by 4/5am. It's an absolute ******* to get back to sleep when you've already slept for a few hours :( All you can do is take a few paracetamol and drink plenty of water to rehydrate yourself.

Yeah had 2 litres of water already and still thirsty :(

Will try paracetemols

Drink 1 pint of orange juice aswell as the water as after drinking your body will need the vitamin C and natural suguars to make you feel better.
I find water works best first, coffee does jack all for me my body is craving sugar.

Am feeling bit light headed this morning after drinking el-cheapo lager at a bbq last night.
At Reading one year, in an effort to drink all our beer before it reached "tepid point" we hit it rather hard. This meant retiring to the tent at about 3 in the afternoon and waking up at 8pm with a ridiculous hangover. Having a hangover at this time just isn't right - hangovers are designed to occur in the relative calm of the morning not just before you have to go watch a selection of very loud bands.
I had exact same thing - i am definitely getting old as I only had 3 large glasses of expensive white wine and 2 large glasses of red wine. Que MASSIVE headache at 4am - stumble into kitchen, drink a load of water take 3 500mg Paracetamols more water and back to sleep.

Wake up feeling relativly human and no headache but still quite *rough*. Now I am at work and it sucks :(

Damn my work collegue for deciding to have no less than 3 leaving drinks (Weds = wine, Thurs = Beer, Fri = Spirits) gonna go pete tong by saturday morning me thinks :(
Nope but for some reason after a night out I always wake up at 6.30am and can't get back to sleep as I'm then wide awake

KaHn said:
Hey all,

Went out last night (well day) for a few drinks with a mate of mine, had som take away about 9 or 10 and then went to sleep yet here I am with an awful head ache at 4:30 in the morning, I have nothing on tomorrow so that doesn't matter but does this happen to anyone else?


Its your own fault, you stopped too early.
I'm also sitting here quite hungover, nothing more than pints + football. o dear.

The worse thing for me is that once I wake up when I am really hungover I just can't back to sleep - the feeling that a cat clawed its way inside me and died stops me from getting any more of that sweet, sweet slumber. This is especially problematic if it has been a late night - ill only get 3-4hrs of sleep which makes the day after feel especially good.
No hangover here - looks like i may
have actually got over the my night out
on saturday!

Ah well

Orange juice! That's the worst advice ever if you're feeling really bad :eek:!

The acidity of the orange juice will make you throw up. I talk from experience here :(

Later on, maybe, but not when you wake up!
Noxis said:
I had exact same thing - i am definitely getting old as I only had 3 large glasses of expensive white wine and 2 large glasses of red wine. Que MASSIVE headache at 4am - stumble into kitchen, drink a load of water take 3 500mg Paracetamols more water and back to sleep.

bear in mind that 3 large glasses is a bottle of wine, so you had nearly 2 bottles to yourself! :eek:

I hardly ever drink, so hangovers aren't a problem. I find the best way to sort yourself out is to have somethig to eat and drink a couple of pints of water before you go to bed :)
Drink a bottle of powerade or gatorade and drink a pint of water.
That will get you re-hydrated and it will put electrolytes and minerals back into your body
I found more sleep helped a lot :D

looking at the litre bottle of JD on my desk atm :eek:

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