Walkers crisps "choose or lose"

17 Aug 2017
Walkers have decided to do a "choose or lose" campaign on 3 of their flavours.

If they drop Salt & Vinegar I will be severely disappointed! mind you they aren't that great anymore, I prefer Golden Wonder salt & vinegar because the seasoning is a lot stronger.

The bacon and cheddar sounds nice though as not a huge fan of smokey bacon crisps.

What you guys think?

I find supermarkets are very communist and only stock things they want you to buy + smaller range means they save on costs without it affecting profit as they know most folk will just buy another flavour.

Sometime you need to hunt around the local back street convenience stores to find the more exotic flavours. Preferably the real indie ones, not the ones who have got into bed with Booker/Premier and the like.

Poundland often have the alternative range of flavours I've noticed. Especially the Brannigans range they have all three of them in my local store.
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