Walking shoes

30 Nov 2003
Can anyone recommend me a pair of walking shoes around the £60-80 mark. Roughly to do 15-20 miles in, standard terrain. Thank you.
I've never really looked into proper walking shoes or boots. Been enjoying 15-20 mile walks twice a week now so thought I'd invest in a pair but no idea what to even look for. Been using just standard Adidas ultraboost trainers which are fine, but not the best of grip on certain terrain and don't think they will be any good in the wet.
Well off road I mean haha. So through woods, but some routes have steep hills going up and down with loose stones, that's where the struggle for grip is. But I expect to step up and find harder routes as soon as my feet harden up more and my legs get more customed the distance.

House of fraser seems to have a sale on at the moment, so may grab a pair for merrels from there as seems can get a nice pair with a good discount.
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Yeah will do. Got a voucher for there anyway and 20% off so can't harm for what it will cost. Thanks for the help =)
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