Wall Crack Severity Thoughts

2 Feb 2020

Looking at a house to buy that was renovated several years ago, with the following, unmissable, wall crack between a downstairs lintel and upstairs window.
Would this put you off buying? Or could a structural engineer survey tell me it's just an old settlement crack (with certainty?). If it was I guess you could just remove the render, repoint and re-render to hide it longer term?

Really like this house otherwise so it's judging on how much assurance I can get this is a non-issue, or if it's the kind of thing that needs monitoring for 6 months to see if it moves?

I'm sure a standard structural survey will just tell me it's a risk and to get an expert...

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Yeah a standard survey would just highlight it and tell you to get specialist advise.

Personally that wouldn't put me off. I'd be more worried about having to try and patch the render

Thanks, agreed. Clearly they have attempted to paint/hide it at some point badly. I guess you'd have to remove a large square section of render, or just do it and repaint the entire wall :(

Is render even paintable, or is the colour mixed into the render itself?
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Thanks, yes this was a full 2015 renovation of an older cottage, think the lintels would have been changed then as well. I'll hope it's settlement only and crack on I guess :)
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