Wall mounted 75" TV options

27 Nov 2003
The wife wants to upgrade to a 75" from our 50" Samsung and I've gone round and round on replacements... We've been in-store shopping and It's between an LG and a Samsung for the low profile (Sony has a huge block on the back and it is going above our fireplace). With a budget of upto £1700 where do I go? It's only general TV and Switch/Wii usage but I just cant decide.

Samsung UE75AU7100 seems to come up a lot on Google but I was leaning towards a QLED/8 series, stock seems minimal however and reviews are blurry.

I also worked out I have to get it delivered as I can't get the box in my car!

Any thoughts at all from experienced people? :-)

Thanks in advance!
Costco have the 75” QNED 91 for £1250 currently. It’s a decent tv one Of my friends has one and tbh I was far more impressed than I thought I would be.

Edit - I also now have the above TV and so far it’s been great was a little worried coming from an OLED but no issues so far.
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