Want a new hobby!

23 Mar 2011
As title really! I mainly game in my free time, have recently started reading a bit but other than that i feel like i could do with something else as more and more lately i sit down to have a gaming session and cant be assed. Mainly due to the state of most games these days bar a few special ones every now and then! Tbh the souls series ruined me, all other games now cant hold my interest :D

Not a sports guy in anyway shape or form either so dont follow anything like that! Was thinking maybe picking up a camera or something, got our first little'un on the way so that would be a handy thing to have around etc!
Learn to masturbate with your weaker hand?


Both hands are equal unfirtunatly :(


Lots of suggestions here! I must say i have tried guitar, years ago picked up a nice yamaha acoustic and tried to self teach on and off for ages but just never had the will power to keep practicing but have always wanted to get better! Its sat next to my pc now as a decorative item :(

Wouldnt say physical activity is out if the question, but i must say the idea of a gym has never interested me but thanks for the suggestion!

True, only need the hobby until the baby shows up then i imagine free time will be hard to come by :D
I don't go out much but when i do i find it helps break up the same old routine of staying in and playing pc games and chilling out watching stuff. Just go out to a museum or join a walking club or something, main point being leave the house.

Yea i know what you mean! We certainly do go out a fair bit, just after something to fill in the remaining gaps :D
I wish I had your problem, I already don't really have the time for cycling and gym as much as I would like, as well as photography and playing around with raspberry pi/arduino/programming etc. Want to build a quadcopter at some point and would love to get a motorbike. That's just the realistic things, would also like to get my PPL but that's not likely to happen.

I need to win the lottery so I can afford all of this and then stop working so I've got the time too.

I hope to be in this position soon once i start something up :)
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