Want Admin privileges? Plug in a Razer mouse

19 May 2004
Nordfriesland, Germany
Oh, this is a doozy of a security bug: basically the installed for Razer's Synapse software - which runs in Admin privileges because it needs to do driver stuff - let's you create an escalated Powershell command line and thus do basically whatever you want. And Windows will happily find it for you off the interwebs and run it on your computer.

Source and details here.
Still need local physical access to a PC logged in as a standard user, that hasn't had Synapse installed. Not really a big deal, just sloppy software development

I don't agree it's not a big deal. Firstly, a simple way to escalate to Admin privileges is a very big deal indeed in many settings: banks, corporations, etc. Secondly, because it operates through a substantial hole in the Windows security model; Windows needs a better way of dealing with drivers. And, thirdly, because is shows that Microsofts system for accepting drivers to be automatically pushed to your computer is flawed.
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