Want to bulk but keep a slender physique. Advice please

30 May 2008
Hi everyone,

I've created many threads in the past saying I CAN DO THIS BLA BLA BLA

Anyway, this is it. I've signed up to the gym and booked tennis lessons.

I want to get A) Fit B ) Have a nice physique

Here's the kind of body I would like to achieve. Not huge but just welll proportioned in all areas. I appreciate this probably takes around 2 years.


I work 5 days a week and never get home earlier than 7.30PM. My intention is to go straight from work to the gym 3 evenings a week and then once on the weekend?

I have NO idea about what workout I should be doing, what weights to lift, where to start.

With regards to diet I used to have to stay clear of dairy but now I don't. This opens up a lot of options for me, could anyone suggest a GOOD protein shake that I can mix with 2% organic milk that doesn't taste like death?

I appreciate ANY advise here guys.
Thanks mate! Much appreciated! I've just bought some good running shoes (not that I intend on doing much running) and around £150 worth of gym clothes.

Also ordered


Impact Whey Protein
Container POUCH
Amount 1KG
Flavour Chocolate Smooth
115£0.00 £15.49

Myprotein Plastic Scoop (Large)
Container BAG
Amount LARGE
Flavour Unflavoured
10£0.00 £0.59

Myprotein Blender Bottle
Container BAG
Amount 600ML
Flavour N/A
11£0.00 £1.99
I got 7 t-shirts and 4 pairs of shorts :)

All nice stuff too! Sports Direct sale online

£130 as well :)
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The thing is, I haven't a CLUE what I should do when walking in the weights room!

I have a friend who has been training since 16 and has an unbelievable body. I might pay to take him as my guest and have him show me the ropes :)

I'll be eating chicken, lots and lots of chicken.
Thanks guys, that seems like fantastic advice ^^

Are there any good books out there to help me understand 'working out'?

Picture looks a smaller version of me but with a little more fat.

You can gain muscle with minimum fat if you work hard on your diet and train hard/consistently. I started as a skinny guy and slowly gained muscle which means I've always been lean. I guess it depends on how you look currently.

Very very lean, barely any fat on me.

Then again...my body looks like a 15 year olds.
Hi guys,

With regards to cardio (I no doubt don't want to be LOOSING weight) but I want to keep my fitness level up and keep my levels of body fat as low as possible.

What would be the recommended amount of cardio (running) per gym session if I'm going 3x a week and Tennis classes once a week?

With regards to the advice above, I'm about to work out a diet that provides me with 3000cals when training and 2500 when not.
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Hi guys,

my protein just arrived.

I was just wondering when it's best to take it (Assuming after a work out) and how much I should be using?

I've got 1kg here and it advises me to use 250ml of water / milk with ONE large scoop of whey. Then it suggests doing it 3 times daily. Wouldn't I be better off just doing all 3 scoops after my workout? I'm guessing that way I'll need to use more milk / water too.

Energy: 118.0Kcal
Energy: 497.0kJ
Protein (dry basis): 24.6g
Protein (as-is): 23.6g
Fat: 2.1g
Carbohydrates: 1.8g
Calcium: 150.0mg
Cholesterol: 0.6mg

I need around 150g a day but am going to be eating quite a lot of chicken breast too.

3 scoops of 24.6 = 73.8g of protein, this would mean I need to consume 76.2g of protein from natural food sources.

Does that sound about normal?
Thanks a lot mate, that helps!

With regards to water/milk - what do you prefer to have yours with, what is better and how much would you use for 3 scoops (25g /70cc)
I'd just experiment with water/milk amounts and see what's best for taste. Although post workout I tend to have 3 scoops in around 500ml of water, it's a case of the more the merrier when it comes to promoting fast gastric emptying.

Can't remember if it's been mentioned, but generally speaking use with water post workout and milk for other times when you don't mind your gastric emptying being slower.


Isn't all this hard work going to be pointless with the amount of sugar I've got in this smooth chocolate shake :p
Not really. At the stage you're at (and i started at) eating like a horse and lifting weights is all that matters.

Building a lean body demands discipline and dedication. The biggest challenge is to find a balance of consuming the correct amount of calories to support muscle growth, but not over consuming to cause unnecessary fat gain. This difficult balance is also mirrored in your training, which should combine cardiovascular and weight training in order to build muscle and burn fat.

Why has no one suggested cardio :\

I want lean muscle! This is what the my protein site says ^^

Tastes very very sweet (smooth chocolate)
Phasing I would follow for someone like you would be: Conditioning 1, Strength, Hypertrophy, Conditioning 2.

This would look something like:

Conditioning 1 : 4 - 6 weeks
Cardio + higher rep weights circuits (2-3 x 15), full body.

Strength : 2 - 5 weeks
5 x 5 - Texas method. 3 days 5x5 + 1 day conditioning 1. I don't like 5 x 5 stronglifts, however the texas is awesome

Hypertrophy : 12 - 24 weeks
3 - 4 x 6 - 12. 3 / 4 day split, + one day conditioning 1.

Conditioning 2 - 6 weeks
One day 5 x 5, 3 - 4 days conditioning 2: Kettlebell complexes, interval / fartlek training.

I then would repeat the strength, hypertrophy, conditioning 2 phases as one cycle lasting . Aiming to beat previous phase performance each cycle by 10 - 30%. This cycle would last 24 - 41 weeks.

Ant :cool:

I appreciate your help but honestly, you might as well be talking in a different language :(

It would appreciate a breakdown of what I have to do to start with.

Exactly what weights I have to lift, starting at what strength and how many repetitions. I know I'm asking a lot here but I will be eternally grateful!
Okay guys thanks :) I can tell I'm irritating some of you now!

The thing is I don't even know what weights are for what

For example

Free Weights / Dumbells - arms! Yes, I'm really THAT ignorant here.
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