want to get back into oblivion, build suggestions?

21 Jul 2005
well the hours before oblivions release i could bearly sleep, i was looking forward to it so much and when it was released i played it for several hours but could never actually decide what class to make, there are so many choices and everytime i come to create one i get torn between all the differant skills,

can anyone suggest some possible decent builds? id rather not exploit the leveling system to build a perfect character, im secretly abit of a roleplayer and i like playing games as the developer intended, i been thinkin about a stealthy killer and a powerful knight but im not sure, im not a big fan of magic, jus the basics really

oh and if anyone can post some pics of their vanilla characters mabe it will inspire me :)
Just started an all out knight with warrior birthsign and it seems ok, only level 2 though, so there's plenty of time for me to get bored/have the urge to change class.
Deciding on builds in RPG games is my worst, and I mean worst failing of all-time. I always end up playing the first few levels through over and over and over again for a bloody long time.

Anyway... At the moment I am playing a sort of assassin build with alteration and restoration magic. Is quite fun. :)

Zefan said:
Just started an all out knight with warrior birthsign and it seems ok, only level 2 though, so there's plenty of time for me to get bored/have the urge to change class.
Another compulsive re-roller? :eek:
PLayed it as a thief who rose to the leader of the guild, was corrupted by the dark brotherhood, repented and helped out the fighters quild before finiding that magic was a powerful weapon. Then I delivered the amulet.
Ugley_Matt said:
...Then I delivered the amulet.
LMFAO. :D That just tickled me for some reason, it's as if you said "I have stuff to be doing, I'll get around to saving the world when I am bored."

I delivered the amulet at the very least, Jauffrey gives you a lot of swag you can sell in the market district for a pretty penny. ;)
Lol. I've just started a new char on Oblivion after not playing at all for a good month or two. Made a mix of warrior/Thief, chose thief as birthsign because of the +10 luck which helps a lot.

Just did the main quest up until you get some decent blades' armour and now just roaming about having fun :D.
Úlfhednar said:
Never mind then. :p The way you said "plenty of time to get bored of it" came across as a "I usually do" sort of thing, because I can relate to that for sure. :(

Don't say that, it makes me not want to bother :p

*Starts up Oblivion* :D
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