Want to get into coding but need an answer first to my mind boggling question

26 Mar 2010
I've been wanting to do programming for years and unfortunately I've let year after year slip by and nothing happen. Then time and time again I get this whopper of motivation to get into it but then always the same question spirals in my mind and I feel if I can't get answers to it I'll never be able to initiate.

So my biggest confusion is that when I'm wanting to code a program how do I know what commands the computer accepts? Isn't there a specific format in which you should write it? Is there a full list of commands or something where I can browse and just basically take what I need and add it into my code?

I'm sure someone will come and mention the learning a language analogy but it doesn't sink in.

It may seem very basic to someone reading this but it's causing me a whole lot of annoyance.

Thanks in advance
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