Want to help out with a Brit sci-fi fan site?

3 Aug 2004
Bendigo, Australia.
I am aware that this is a long shot but is there anyone out there who is interested in science fiction of the British variety and who wants to collaborate on (any aspect of) a fan site?

I have graphics skills but would particularly like someone with web skills to come on board although it's not a prerequisite.

I thought I'd ask here first as I spend most of my time here but if nobody's interested I will obviously ask elsewhere.

This is not a commercial venture! It's purely for fun and perhaps a chance to show off your skills. Any takers?
One of the many reasons I thought about collaborating was to discuss this sort of thing. I am aiming for a 'community' style site, with access to all and input from members. Something much like any other online community built around a theme.

I initially thought about using something like PostNuke or Mambo as I have neither the skills to program myself or the money to pay for a solution. This way I could cope all by my lonesome but I remembered the time I wasted over another site and so ditched the open source cms for just a forum.

At this stage, I couldn't really say how much work might be involved but I would hope to keep it simple enough for most to admin without spending excessive amounts of time on it. We all have other commitments after all.
I may be able to help out with graphics that you may need for the site and am happy to do some moderating as and when I can.

The only problem I have is that I am not a big British Sci-Fi fan, apart from maybe Red Dwarf :D

SiriusB said:
I may be able to help out with graphics that you may need for the site and am happy to do some moderating as and when I can.

The only problem I have is that I am not a big British Sci-Fi fan, apart from maybe Red Dwarf :D

I've made a note, thanks. Anyone else have an interest in developing a Brit sci-fi fan community web portal site thingy?
It's purely self-indulgent and not meant to necessarily 'compete' with anything of a similar nature although finding a 'one-stop-shop' that covers specifically British sf film, tv, books, art, comics and games is not easy.

If, later down the line, it needs to be different from anything that already exists, I have a few ideas.

Other than that, it might act as a 'showcase' for exceptional design and functionality, who knows.....the epitome of pretty!
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