Want to increase RAM

31 Dec 2003
I Freed Fishfingers 13/08
I have 2 x 512mb sticks of Kingston HyperX 3500 RAM and i'd like to get another 1Gb.

Would any RAM that is PC3500 be compatible or only a specifc sort? Could anyone link me to some RAM that would be?


What system are you on? It might be worth selling your current RAM and putting the money towards a pair of 1gig sticks instead. If you're on an A64 system, you'll be able to run in dual channel and 1t that way:)

If you do want to run 4 sticks though, its best to match the memory to the same sort, that way they will all be able to run at the same timings with the minimum of conflicts.
I have a P4 2.8.

Yeah i see what you mean, i was hopinh i could get another pair of , say for example, Corsiar memory that was also at 3500 and it would hopefully run.
If you've got a P4 then I think you can get away with running 4 sticks... Not too sure on Intel systems, being an AMD person, so I might be lieing to you:)

In theory you could get another set and run them all together, the sticks would default to the timings of the slowest set.

Nice car in sig by the way:) Just finished a contract at the factory they make them!
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Its not the 4 sticks that i am worrried about, its that i don;t want to have to get another 2 x 512mb Kingston HyperX 3500 set of RAM. Would i be able to say, get Giel 2 x 512 3500 ram install that and it would also work? I'm not too fussed on memory timings.

Should be able to in theory, but it may cause problems...

Probably worth selling your current set and putting the money towards a matching set. It probably won't work out any more expensive:)
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