Want to replace my 5.1 and on-board sound with 2.1 and soundcard

9 Aug 2003
At the moment I'm using on-board Realtek AC97 soundcard and some rather old Cambridge Soundworks 5.1 setup.

However I'm sick of the cable mess the 5.1 is causing and since the rear speakers aren't behind me there's no point having them. I only use the PC for games and music so what's the best soundcard and speakers for say £100 - £150?

Going to be used on a Vista Ultimate X64 system
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Soundcard: Asus Xonar DX

Speakers: Acoustic Energy Aego M 2.1 or Roth Audioblobs 2 (which can be got for in around £50).
Will have a look for them speakers. Not sure on the Asus soundcard though, why does it need a fan? Don't need more fan noise :D
It doesn't have a fan. You're probably thinking of the electromagnetic shield on the D2 or D2X (which I reckon is just snake oil for the audiophiles). The DX doesn't have one.
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