Want to see an incredible fight film - Tony Jaa!!

26 Nov 2004
Near Windy City, USA
OK so if your into the martial arts kind of films - the van dams etc
AND you like the style that say Jackie Chan & Jet Li brought in then you would have no doubt heard or seen Tony Jaa - he was the amazing star of Ong-Bak (just a brilliant film) :D

Last night my mate brought one of his latest films back from Thailand - all I can say is just WOW!! :eek:
The fight scenes are just incredible & the guy is the biggest talent I have seen - Tony Jaa is officially hard as nails!! ;)
There are hundreds & hundreds of different moves, combos and techniques he uses and the choregoraphy used is superb!
Also that absolute beast of a guy Nathan Jones appears and fights (the huge guy at the start of Troy who gets killed with one stab!lame!)

Anyway the film is called (translated) 'Tom Yum Goong' and although we watched even without subtiltes and it spoke mainly Thai (there is a lot of english speaking in it) we could easily follow the story line - so please order it if you like fight films!

Wow Tony Jaa rocks!!!

Want the bad news - if you want to see it at the cinema its not out til July :(
But its still def worth getting the thai dvd!!!!¬ :D
Also just to excite you lot even more!!

Ong-Bak 2 starts shooting in June this year directed and starring Tony Jaa!! :D

(also found that the above film will be called the creative 'Warrior King' lol :p
you're not Tony Jaa, by any chance are you?

we've all seen your film, Mr. Jaa. and we're quite scared of your elbows...and your running up the wall flippy things
you're not Tony Jaa, by any chance are you?

Err nope just a huge fan! :p

This is only his second film by the way and i thought it was great, of course jackie chan & Jet Li pioneered the more main stream films (which are dam awesome dont get me wrong - but not brutal enough!)
By the looks of things - Jaa will stay making Thai films
panthro said:
Tony Jaa is good, but he will never have the same impact as Jackie Chan or Jet Li.

You reckon? imo the guys embodies both of them and over-shadows them in terms of fighting style. It is a matter of time before he comes bigger than both of them.
ElRazur said:
You reckon? imo the guys embodies both of them and over-shadows them in terms of fighting style. It is a matter of time before he comes bigger than both of them.

Razur, Tony Jaa will never be bigger than Jackie Chan - FACT. Jackie Chan is only second to Bruce Lee.
Jaa will not be bigger than Chan until he stars in crappy american cop films that parody himself and his heritage. i hope he keeps making good films tbh.


Sammo Hung > *
Sic said:
Sammo Hung > *

Good man.

Sammo is the greatest simply for everything he has accomplished in his lifetime. Plus, you will never see another fat man move like he does :D

Chan is simply one of the best because of his martial skill, his charisma and his ability to put his name to a product and watch it sell. Admittedly some of his films stink, but there is no denying his greatness. Plus, New Police Story is a great film, you should all see it.
panthro said:
. Plus, you will never see another fat man move like he does :D

I totally agree with you on that one, i remember oncewatching all the outtakes after the movie, i was actually more impressed with the outtakes when i see how effortlessly this fat dude jumps up and down, scale up walls like spider man and still kick arse. :eek: :D
Jaa will not be bigger than Chan until he stars in crappy american cop films that parody himself and his heritage

lol good call - errm Tuxedo ???

I would have to say as a 'skill' Tony Jaa has his Muay Thai variation mastered!! and dam it shows!
Jackie Chan ok is also amazing but i never really thought he showed this off as much in his films, but more for his choregoraphy and getting out of situations.
When watching his films it actually looks as if the extras take quite a few tough hits and you can see the rage in his fighting!
Clipsey said:
lol good call - errm Tuxedo ???

I would have to say as a 'skill' Tony Jaa has his Muay Thai variation mastered!! and dam it shows!
Jackie Chan ok is also amazing but i never really thought he showed this off as much in his films, but more for his choregoraphy and getting out of situations.
When watching his films it actually looks as if the extras take quite a few tough hits and you can see the rage in his fighting!

Yeah I agree, Jaa is a total master of Muay Thai. You should watch Chans earlier films if you want to see skill and showing off. Especially Snake in the Eagles Shadow and The Young Master.

Razur, I recommend you watch The Magnificent Butcher and Eastern Condors for more fat man skills :D
Thanks for the heads up, might try and get hold of it. Anyone know where?

Jackie Chan's earlier films are far better than any of the crap he's made in America, Drunken Master is an awesome film.
agreed the earlier films are a hell of a lot better!!
Seen only a few of the Chans earlier ones but Im guessing the most of Jet Li's :D

Ghostface - you can buy the dvd online in quite a few places just do a google search BIG TIP = get the Korean version as this is the only one with English subtitles at the moment ;)
panthro said:
Jackie Chan is only second to Bruce Lee.

In terms of what? Can't really compare a man who starred in 4 films and only became internationally famous after he died with someone who's written/directed/starred in a few hundred.

You reckon? imo the guys embodies both of them and over-shadows them in terms of fighting style. It is a matter of time before he comes bigger than both of them.

By embody you mean copy right? stacks of Ong Bak was near direct copies of Chan's work, multiple camera takes of impacts anyone?
Anyone who's seen JC films of the 80's will know he's just doing exactly what we've seen before in his own style. Personally I think that's great but there is no chance on earth he could over shadow the man that created the genre he's working in.
Sic said:
Sammo Hung > *

my lucky stars is a legend of a film

sammo and jackie together kicking ass in comical fashion :D love it

and yea tony jaa is immense in ong bak.

will never be better than jackie though.

the likes of drunken master and snake in eagles shadow will never be beaten IMO
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ElRazur said:
imo the guy embodies both of them and over-shadows them in terms of fighting style

tony jaa doesnt have his own fighting style hes just a bloody good gymanst.whos learnt muay thai

the reason i like ong bak is for the crazy stunts he does

the fighting scenes are average compared to old jackie chan,bruce lee and jet li films.
Goatboy said:
In terms of what? Can't really compare a man who starred in 4 films and only became internationally famous after he died with someone who's written/directed/starred in a few hundred.

You can compare them both in terms of global fame, endearment, popularity and iconic status. Round the world, Bruce Lee is a demi-god. Although, in Hong Kong Chan is way more popular. Also, Bruce was world famous before he died, and he made 5 films.
I don't know about him being a demi-God but dying young is always the best career move anyone can make. He only completed four films, Game of Death was half him, half stand-in. I don't believe he was world famous before his death, he died just before ETD got released in the States before which he was only really big in Asia.
Goatboy said:
I don't know about him being a demi-God but dying young is always the best career move anyone can make. He only completed four films, Game of Death was half him, half stand-in. I don't believe he was world famous before his death, he died just before ETD got released in the States before which he was only really big in Asia.

Maybe I over exagerated about the demi-god part! But he is revered in this present day. He became fairly famous in the western world after his role in the green hornet and longstreet and built up a cult following. Plus, his demonstrations at MA tournaments gained him popularity. I always count GOD as his film, even though the original 1978 version did not use as much footage of the available 54 minutes of him as it should have. So I guess it would be fair to say that he only complete 4 films in full. But I still think more people will associate him with "kung fu" more than Chan.
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