Wanted: Photoshoppers. Job description: Change my hair. Pay: £0.

29 Jun 2006
Hi all, first off, this isn't another "LOLZ MY MATE WAS WASTED PHOTOSHOP HIM PLZKTHX" thread. ;)

Basically, I know how my hair looks short, and I know what I can do with it, but now I'm wondering how I'd look with longer hair. Used to have about 9" hair about 4 years back, but my face has changed a bit since then, so not sure how well it would suit me. :p


My USB cable has broken somehow, so I can't upload a better picture of myself. I left a bit of space at the top so you have some space to work with.

Ignore the stupid lip thing. I was concentrating or something. :p

edit: first picture removed.
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Oh great, the humiliation begins. :p

1. It is not semen, it is where water condenses and drips down after showers. :p

2. Yes, working the camera. :( I'm not technologically retarded by any extent though.
Andelusion said:
Nice squatting action in the 2nd picture.

Doesn't your camera have a timer? It's a bit difficult to get a decent chop going with those pics.

I'm doing that so there is room above my head for hair to be chopped in. :p

Unfortunately I can't upload any new ones, cable broke/camera isn't being connected properly.
EYEREX said:
Daft question if you wanted to see yourself with a new hair style why didn't you just point the camera at yourself ie your head and take a pic

I do have some better ones of just my head and upper body on my camera, however I can't upload them!
5bjoshua said:
Haha! Thats a very good point! Why take a photo at a mirror?

Blond moment?


I wanted one with my whole body in. If I get my camera cable working tomorrow I'll upload some of just my head. :)
benjo said:
Here's some to wet your appetite..



Heh, not really the style I had in mind. :p
Guys, I know the picture sucks. I worked out what the problem is, a new pic will be posted tomorrow at about 3:30!
Okay, wtf @ all these afros!

Problem with my hair at the moment with this length is that it makes my head look gigantic. :p

I'll just let it grow and see how it ends up. :p

There's a better picture of me. :)

I'm removing the one from the OP as I don't want to have to ask for my own thread to be closed.
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