Wanted: Web security person for volunteer work cleaning a site hack.

18 Oct 2002
In here and out there.
Hi there,
A site that I volunteer help to has been attacked by a hacker, unfortunately the person who deals with the backend of the site is unavailable to do the needful and reverse the hack and close the vulnerabilities.
This means that the site and its contents are very much at the mercy of this person.

Is there anyone here who is willing to volunteer some time and energy recovering and securing the site for us?
We are a totally non-profit outfit (we often struggle to cover our sever/bandwidth costs) and as such can't afford to pay full whack for a pen tester/recovery expert to come in and clean up for us.

Anyway, if you feel you can help then please drop us a message through the OcUK Forum Trust system and we'll get back to you.

Cheers all.
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