Wanting another body - camera strap advice

17 Sep 2006
I'm currently using a Fuji X-T1 with a variety of lenses, and switching lenses while travelling or walking about is becoming a real pain. Solution.....get another body! What better excuse to upgrade to the X-T2 (or maybe get a second hand X-T1).

So those of you with two bodies....what are the options?

I guess the simplest is to have a shoulder strap for each one, therefore I can use one (if I chose to just take one) or both if needed. But does the fact the straps cross each other become an issue/impractical at all?

Regarding dual camera straps.....I don't need anything 'wedding photographer' spec. Just something that can hold two cameras practically, so I can still walk about normally without two cameras hanging off me.

Basically, what's the best option for someone walking about (like a tourist) and wanting to use two bodies?

I've done the whole travelling with 2 cameras and a load of lenses thing and its a royal pain. After many years of trial and error I now simply take 1 camera and maybe 2 lenses at the most which I tailor for the environment I'm visiting.

City break? Then I take a wide angle and a prime.
Safari / Wildlife? A telephoto and that's it.
Not sure what I'll need, I just stick the 35mm f1.4 in my bag.

Are these photography holidays or are you simply taking pictures of stuff while being on holiday? If the latter then I'd simply look at minimising the equipment you take and don't worry about what you haven't got with you. If the former then I'd have to have 2 bodies that handled and performed in pretty the same way and to strap them up I'd check out the Black Rapid Double Breathe
1 camera body and zoom lenses so you don't have to swap so often. When on APS-C I found the 16-85mm Nikon lens incredibly useful, along with a 70-300mm telephoto. Some people use a n 18-200mm lenses but for me the additional width is far more important and makes a much bigger difference to photos. Especially since the 200mm end is nowhere near actually being 200mm.

When I have done 2 camera I have a had my big D800 with a telephoto for wildlife attached (you liekly don't have time to swap lenses), and the second camera was my Olympus EPM-2 which would sit nicely in my trouser pockets, sued for more general holiday snaps, family pics and standard landscapes.
Whenever I use two bodies I just have one around my neck (main focal length), fairly short strap, and then the second body hangs off my shoulder. Never really needed a blackrapid harness kind of setup.
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