wanting to create a website

6 Oct 2004
Hey, im wanting to create a website as practise as im doing it next year in my course at college, then possibly at uni depending on how i find it.

Then only problem is i dont know what to make it on :o
Anyone got any ideas of what to make it on? Cheers

Also whats best, front page or dreamweaver?

edit: i actually think i might make it about "me"...and start learning how to draw pictures on the pc using photshop etc?
Whats the best program for drawing pictures such as those on deviantart?
Thanks guys ill give it ago, that html site seems quite good thanks

more input always welcome

edit: ehauhehehe, i used to fart around with websites when iwas like 13 just messing on frontpage and uploading to geocities, ive just learnt more about html in the last 10minutes than in the last 17years of my life lol
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could do, first im going to mab put a like an about me sectionm, then some art work (including some photos of my guitar that are edited)
i think what i may do to help me, is download a free HTML/CSS website layout, and have a fidle around with it and edit it to how i want it.

Then i can slowly change it and learn whats what etc
Would you be able to email me the blank one you made so i can have a fanny around with it :)?

email is in trust
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