Wanting to get into Photography

1 Aug 2005
Hey lads and lasses. I've been looking to get into photography.

Looking to spend £500+ on a digital professional type camera. Need the camera and some lenes.I'll spend slighly more if needed. Have recently become interested in it. Seeing some of the pictures on here and having a go in South Africa with an old Cannon T50 has given me the bug.

I would be looking to buy in the up and coming months.I am more than happy to buy second hand or brand new. But second hand would face me with good value for money?

So I was looking for a camera which is of decent build quality, doesn't go very out of date as soon as I get it home, quite good for a beginner yet will allow me to gain expirence and learn to use its functions to the full.

I'm guessing I will be wanting to spend more than £500 really but thats a start.

I have herd good things about the Nikon D70 and Cannon 350D ranges!?

Also where is a good place to look second hand/ brand new?

I was thinking about the London Camera Exchange.
So whats a good price for these things bearing in mind i'm only starting up. What savings could I make 2nd hand over brand spankers? Say I went for the Nikon D70? Would I be able to get that quite a bit cheaper second hand if I hunt about?

So camera body, and 2 lenses say? Would that be a good place to start. Guessing I can get away without having a flash for a while.
Well I have always had an interest and wanted to get into it. I have been using an old Cannon T50 while in south africa for a month and have really taken to it and need a new hobby ;)

Hence looking for a cheapish camera.
Have noticed there are other cameras like the 'Fuji FinePix S9500' around my budget but are Nikon/ Canon the two brands to really look into.

I have friends with Nikon D70 and Canon 350 camera so I can have a play about with them.

Also if I go second hand but spend the same kinda money £500/600, what camera could I be looking at then which is better than the 2 mentioned.


These pictures arn't that good but were taken with a Fujifilm small digi cam in SA. The focus couold be better amonst other things but its shoot and aim on safrai's I found.
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