War of the Worlds CD ???



Man of Honour
30 Aug 2004
Middle of England
Hi Dudes of the Music section.

I have been into War of the Worlds since my Music teacher played it to me during a Detention when i was about 11-12.
For the last ten years or so i have only had a copy on tape and the last album is incomplete. I had my faves so was happy.
Anyway the other day someone got me the New CD Version. Excellent news.
I played the first CD happy as Larry singing my Bits off with the System cranked right up. Was all good until i put the second CD on.
My question is have they changed it. Now most know my Head memory is borked so it may be me which is why i post.

Has anyone else got this or heard it and can you tell me if its identical to the original or modded. I know they have enhanced the sounds but i mean Actual changes. To me it sounds well different and Not good different either.

Thanks for reading and for any help given. Its doing my head in wondering whether its me or them.
My Dad had it on Vynal (whats that I hear you say!!! :D) and from what I remember its Identical to my CD!... apart from the 4 Bonus tracks after the 'Huston' bit at the end of the story!!!...
IIRC there have been about 3 versions of the CD at least.

I beleive the basic/main tracks remain the same but the differing versions have additional versions of certain tracks (forever autum - dark autum mix, eve of the war- pie r squared, and spirit of man - dubuladub are the ones that spring to mind).
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