Warcraft 3 question

12 Jul 2005
Hi guys - since Blizz stopped hosting the digital files for download through battlenet ive been attempting to install warcraft 3 and the frozen throne expansion on my wifes MACBook Pro but to no avail. The CD simply stops the installation saying:

unable to install support.warcraft3.mpq

Im getting really annoyed as frankly they shouldnt have stopped supporting the digital version in the first place and now i have CD's that wont install.

Anyone point me in the direction of the digital files available for download so that i dont have to use the CD's? (ive got the CD keys in front of me - just need the damn files to install!)
Go to the battlenet website and you can download from there.

IF you have already registered your WC3 cd key then it will be in your account under 'classic games'

If not then you can choose 'add a game key'
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