Warhammer 40k: Space Marine

1 Sep 2008
havnt seen any other threads about this, so i apologise if there is already.

Currently in development by THQ a 3rd person shooter/hack and slash playing the role of a space marine in the 40k universe in the style of Gears of War (looks like it uses the same engine as GoW)

heres a video http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mbjbbzOrCIg

what are your thoughts? will it be a success?
I've only seen the one video and I'm yet to be convinced.

Firstly, the AI doesn't seem to be very good. The enemies are all milling around waiting to be killed. No-one is using cover. And I agree that a 40K game needs to make you feel like you're part of a much larger battle. The aircraft swooping about goes part of the way towards that but I'd expect to be surrounded by fellow Space Marines and tanks.

The graphics look pretty good though.

Let's hope that it's better than Firewarror. :p

yeh these were my thoughts exactly, firewarrior was a big let down for me.

this game looks, but it doesnt have the gameplay to make it realistic. however, it is still in developement and these things can be changed for release.

anyway, i hope they do make these changes and make it an awesome game
also I reckon the finishing moves will get very old and annoying, very quickly.

Graphics look ace but I would have preferred a FPS squad based game, like COD but with Space Marines, lol.

me and a friend had exactly the same thoughts about this, were currently playing a game called insurgency( a mod that uses the HL2 engine) which is a FPS similar to CoD and we said that a fps like this but set in the 40k universe using space marines vs chaos or something along those lines, where you can pick your class, like tactical marine, devastator or scout etc.
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