Warhammer chess set?

12 Apr 2007
Hi all I fancy picking up the paint brush again. Used to paint warhammer 40k figures back in my youth and got reasonably good at it and fancy doing some more.
I don't play the game, have no real interest in it but like the painting side and thought a chess set would be a good little hobby /project.

What to get though for chess? I was thinking Lord of the rings but choosing the pieces might be tricky.

Maybe space marines vs eldar? Or just 2 factions of marines, space wolf vs blood angels or whatever.

Any ideas on what to go for that has figures that could be good chess pieces?
Open to ideas really.
Thanks.. Space vs chaos might work well to keep the peices fairly similar..
Maybe a light grey space wolf side and a very dark grey chaos colour scheme to keep more inline with the more traditional black and white chess peices.
Thanks, yeah I think that could work well.. Creme /ivory more natural vs very dark/ grey metallic more demonic /steam punk looking looking
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