Warlock Talent Guide

BYTEr said:
I decided to post this on here as I see we have one or two warlock experts on here. So, I have decided I want to go mainly the dectruction route - after looking through varies guides, opnions and the talent guide it self, I have come up with this - http://www.wowhead.com/talent/?IA0bZ0xZxx0tr0tt . Yet I am not sure what to spend the remaining 4 talents on?

Should I put them into Imp Imp, Healthstone, Searing Pain, COA or Cataclysm...
Yonglock Level 40 Warlock Quel'Thalas. I know I know the name sucks :p .

Healthstone is a must. On top level it is a 1400 health increase. Searing pain is a good one too. Fast attack when something big is running at you.
suppression has always been a pretty buggy talent, i rarely have any use for it, searing pain is quite nice to finish mobs off, it's crits loads for around 600 at 60.
imp healthstone is not a must. think about what you use the most, theres not many must have talents with the points you have remaining. you use healthstones a lot? get imp healthstone. you raid a lot/use imp often? get imp imp. use searing pain a lot? get imp searing pain. use fear a lot? max out supression etc etc. you have pretty much picked out all the most useful talents for your intended build.

however, i strongly advise an affliction build for leveling up. example: http://www.wowhead.com/talent/?Ni0iVRboVZcxhuMho . though this is a very specialised build, it concentrates on dotting power, and recovery. example: you sacrifice vw for a regen buff (30 min buff), then you unload dots.. immolate, corr, coa and now you have siphon life.. then just keep using drain life which now is 70% un-interuptable. you have 3 spells on the go which help you gain life back, imp lifetap to get free mana, and 2 spells which can proc a free shadowbolt, all extremly nice for leveling up. it makes much more sense to do this and to use destruction spec to level up, its mana intensive and you cant conjure water :p

of course, theres also dark pact, but i prefer demonic sacrifice. plus the fact that pets are near useless in solo grind, cant hold aggro at all and are minimal dps. my opinion nof course :D

good luck with whatever you decide to do :D
people dont wear their fire resist gear while pvp'ing and this is a pvp gear... who cares about mobs ... or will still do ok in dungeons spamming sb like all other locks but this build really comes into its own in pvp using fast fire spells, cast times are for suckers
you mean like grinding mobs? 30/21/0 would be nice. im pretty sure thats thebuild people use to grind bosses too, cos you can kite + vw buff
they most likely use 30/21/0 build also as they kinda rely on that tactic. Grinding multiple mobs with 30/21/0 build is extremely easy (scarlet monestery/green mob farming) and im pretty sure this build is easiest for farming mara bosses. im not sure about zg farming and stuff like that, you best check the wow forums in the warlock section, theres guides threre on how to solo and build advice
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