Warning!!! DOA4 BUG

17 Aug 2005
a lot of people are having major problems with DOA4 erasing peoples profiles and they are then loosing all there unlockables.

Its due to it autosaving b4 its fully loaded ya profile which erases all in the process.

Tecmo said to try this :

(1) With your copy of DOA4 already inserted, turn on your 360 by pressing the "open tray" button. (2) Wait until all the information from your Gamer Profile is fully displayed on your Gamer Card, including achievements and other awards. (3) Close the tray again with DOA4 still inserted. If problems still occur, e-mail Tecmo technical support at [email protected].

its all on here :


If u have problems people are signing on :


Im worried bout playing now i dont wanna loose all my characters and costumes lol
This has been posted about before, I haven't had one issue with this but I do know of people that have been affected.

Nasty bug :(
This bug definatly exists. My mate who has the USA version has lost his saves 3 times so far. He has always made sure he's signed in first before loading the game and has still lost his saves, so basically that bug fix doesn't work.

That said, he's on the USA version, and I'm on the UK version and haven't had the problem once.
I haven't had any probs so far but I let my gamertag etc load in the dashboard first then load the game just in case.
This is appalling tbh. As for fixing it with a patch: console games should never need patching.

Out of curiousity and seeing as a lot of people will have bought just the core 360: can you apply patches if you don't have a hard drive?
Hasn't happened to me :D

I'm sure I heard that they have fixed the bug... so maybe my version is ok
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