Warning: Eating Dried Fruit as a Alternative to Sweets

18 Oct 2002
I'll keep this as non-graphic as possible...

Note to All: If you ever get the idea to eat dried fruit (Prunes in this example) as a healthy alternative to sweets, think again and stick to the Haribo.

Thank the lord I bought more loo roll yesturday!

There was me feeling all healthy last night snacking on Sunsweet California Prunes, instead of the usual Haribo or Chocolate biscuits. I think I only had probably 9 or 10 of the sticky, chewy goodness, but that was enough. I woke at about 2am this morning with gutache like you wouldn't belive....

....I need not tell you the rest.

After doing a bit of reading on the t'internet today I have found out that as a IBS sufferer, Prunes are not the wisest thing to eat as they cure constipation by irritating the bowel....something that's already irritated in someone with my condition.

So now I sit here, hot water bottle on my stomach, sipping peppermint and fennel tea.

You have been warned people....Starmix ***, Dried Fruit Nooooooooooo!
cheets64 said:
wtf is that, talk about girly.

Peppermint and Fennel are natural Anti-Spasmadics, so if you drink tea containing these, it'll settle a irritated bowel.

Tastes crap, but works a treat.

I knew they'd have a "loosening" effect. But what I wasn't expecting was the cramps and the spasms that went with it! They were just so tastey, I'd already eaten 10 before I'd realised....they should have a warning on the side of the pack or something. :P

Seriously, it felt like there was a alien in my gut trying to get out at 2am this morning. It "passed" on it's own though, much to my other-halfs misfortune.
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