Warranty Question..



22 Oct 2002
Melbourne, Aus
Just after some information about camera warranties..

I've been looking at getting a Nikon 7000/7100 and was planning on staying away from the imports and getting a proper UK model for the warranty.. However, I'm planing on a permanent move to Australia early next year, so would getting a UK one make any difference as I assume I'll have warranty issues with it when I move to Oz anyway.
Bodies are tied to where they are purchased. Lenses are international.

So yes, if you move to Oz, then the warranty is only valid in the UK. But early next year...that's like 10 months away, so might as well just buy here now in the UK.
I've moved countries several times and have asked Nikonr about this. Official the warranties are local but if you can prove you were a resident of country where you purchased the camera and that you purchased local white stock, and then prove you are a resident of the new location, with some negotiating Nikonr will honour the warranty in the new local. Expect to jump through some hoops but it should work out.
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