Warzone - PC Struggling Advice needed

26 Nov 2020
Hello, I currently have the following set-up Intel I5-7400 & GTX 1060 3GB. I have been able to run many games on low settings with smooth gameplay, I like to play call of duty titles.

Recently, my PC performance has drastically lowered and I'm unsure why. I have preformed a factory reset and installed only the games I play, I have updates my graphics card drivers and I seem to get anywhere between 2 - 45 FPS now playing warzone, with massive spikes up and down. I understand overtime my rig will deplete in performance but this seems to be a drastic drop, I have seen videos of the same combo on youtube reaching a pretty steady 65 FPS.

I will leave some Gyazo Links to display the computer performance at various stages.





Any advice would be muchly appreciated, thanks in advance!
Hello, What exactly do you need? Sorry Im fairly new to all this.

The Disk usage seems to spike massively even when I don't seem to be doing a huge amount. However when I open something it does seem to spike to 100% or very close too it, and will sit there for a little while and eventually drop down.

I close everything when I play a game so it's literally just the game running.

Thanks for the reply.
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