Was gonna get a xbox 360 pad is there better ones on overclockers

18 Sep 2005
South East London
Was gonna get the xbox 360 pad for the pc does this pad work with all games or is there a better one i can get on overclockers
Rincewind said:
i'm at a friends house so can't explore too much but google XBCD for 360...
Im useing the XBCD driver & config setter & its so much better.Its a pain to install at first tho, but once you know how its easy.
Shall i get this pad then guys will i have problems with games cos the pad i have a logitech dual action dont work with most games i cant seem to make profiles with it
Mr Men said:
Just to point out the wireless pads dont work, make sure you get a wired one.

They will work soon. No set date but Microsoft are releasing a wireless device that will allow you to use the wireless pads with a PC. It's probably all tied in with Vista support but I believe that it's coming sooner than that.
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