I noticed a piece of very rusted metal wire poking out of the door seal on my very old washing machine.
It appears to be part of a ring going around the seal, inside a flap, and it appears to have just rusted through over the years.
My washing machine doesn't leak, so the seal itself is still fine. I can find parts and videos on replacing the entire door seal, but that doesn't seem to be necessary. Can I just replace the ring? Do I need to? It seems to work fine without it, but I'm assuming that it must have a purpose.
It appears to be part of a ring going around the seal, inside a flap, and it appears to have just rusted through over the years.
My washing machine doesn't leak, so the seal itself is still fine. I can find parts and videos on replacing the entire door seal, but that doesn't seem to be necessary. Can I just replace the ring? Do I need to? It seems to work fine without it, but I'm assuming that it must have a purpose.