Wasteland 2: Directors Cut - combat, what am I doing wrong?

2 Jan 2004
I've bought this today because I've heard nothing but good things about it but I'm really struggling to fathom all the controls and how to accomplish certain things.

My biggest issue so far is combat - I've watched a couple of YouTube videos on combat and tried to follow that formula but I just can't seem to do very well, even in the early game battles!

I stumbled across about 5 wolves/frogs and 2 of my party died simply because my attacks were completely ineffective! My sniper got one decent shot off before the combat began but after that the red percentage figure over the target was 5% or less and I have no idea why!?!?

In fact all of my attack percentages were really low and I'm not sure I understand why???

Can someone point me toward an idiots guide to this game - I really like the premise but it seems to me that you 100% have to have a medic and then plenty of medical kits to get your health back up - and so if you didn't pick a medic (like I didn't!) then you are ******!
I'm sure ammo will become a problem - especially as I'm also struggling to keep track of 4 characters and their separate needs but as I mentioned my biggest issue at the moment is that creatures just storm you and I can't understand why my percentage chance drops to sub-25% when they are right next to me!?!?
Difficulty level?

Embarrassingly I'm on the easiest setting - and I've since learned that just wandering around the waste will regenerate my health but I'm still struggling to understand why I'm doing so badly in combat against what I assume should be easy opponents??

I can set up my team in various defensive positions but the animals are just running straight up to my Rangers and my percentage chance to hit drops really low!?!?
Thanks for the tips @Radox-0 - I wondered if you could answer a few other queries:

  1. Is there ever any other loot than off the dead bodies? (I quite often wander around holding a but can't see any loot boxes!)
  2. What is the best way to build up money (scrap?) - I can't see much difference between dismantling weapons and just selling them to vendors??
Being a complete beginner I'm just trying to find my feet by wandering around the waste looking for random encounters while not straying too far from an oasis and the Ranger Citadel.

The encounters I have had have only had loot on the dead bodies and nothing else - does this sound correct?

Also, I picked up a gun that wasn't of any use and so used my Ranger with "weaponsmithing" to deconstruct it - initially it told me 50% was unrecoverable but then there were 2 other items (can't remember what but one was an under barrel mod I think!) - trouble is, when I did the deconstruct all I got was broken weapon parts and nothing else? Is this dependent upon something to work??
Hmmm, I think I'm improving at combat (although I'm still struggling to understand why when I move to 2 spaces behind an opponent and want to blast him in the back with a shotgun, my hit chance is 20-30%!?!?!) - the problem i'm having now is ammo!

I'm staying close to the Citadel and winning random skirmishes but it's costing me more in ammo than I'm getting in scrap/loot!?!?! What is the best way to progress in the early goings ammo-wise??
Thanks for all the info @Radox-0 - I think I'm starting to get a handle on all of the stats and skills that appear to have HUGE impact upon your combat!

I'm only at the AG Centre and there is sooooo much to take in it's a bit overwhelming! Nothing more annoying than not being able to crack into a safe because you have neglected the safecracking skill or "failing" in a conversation because of not having the required "kiss ***" level!

Great game tho!
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