Watch out Rosetta slackers....

Man of Honour
Man of Honour
27 Apr 2004
In bed with your sister
..... Bigstan is moving half of the farm over :D

Having moved into the number 5 slot in the Folding team with about 8 months at present output 'til my next stomp, I have decided it's time to diversify. I had a look around the BOINC projects and decided upon Rosetta@Home - the team could do with a bit of a boost and I fancy a few stomps.

Today I have moved 4 cores over:
1x 1.6 Dothan (spare laptop)
1x 4000+ @ 3.18
1x PD805 @ 3.00 (2 cores)

Over the next 12 hours (when current F@H WUs complete) I will be adding:
1x 4400+ @ 2.60 (2 cores)
1x 3800+ @ 2.70 (2 cores)
1x C2D E6300 @ 3.15 (2 cores)

I detect a certain amount of apathy from the Rosetta team regarding parps and stomps. Let me assure you I will not flinch from humiliating you for the slackers you are :p

You have been warned

Stan :)
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I was in two minds, as I'm dedicated to team 10 and want us to do well but I thrive on competition and as I'm currently months away from Sammael and the same distance ahead of Growse, there isn't a lot of competition at the moment. My recent run of stomps has been fun but I feel it's time to spread the luuurve around.

I thought long and hard about it and decided that Rosetta was a good project to join and it would help boost the team in that project so I decided to give it a go and see how I got on.

Also, the ability to monitor each rig individually remotely in BOINC was a big factor in my decision.

You can expect to see Rosetta parps and stomps announced on the forum regularly as I stomp my way up the ranks - I won't be doing it quietly :D

Stan :)
I see there have been some improvements to BOINC since I finished with SETI.

1) It automagically installs BOINC Manager.
2) It recognises dual core CPUS and automagically runs 2 cores on them.
3) It downloads a new WU about halfway through the current one, ready to start straight away as soon as the current one finishes.

These are things I've noticed so far - who knows what else is better?

Stan :)
PhilthyPhil said:
I'm not sure how big Rosetta WUs are or how long the deadlines are but you should be able to cache up to 7 days work (might be more) for BOINC projects by changing your account settings on the project web site :)

Aaahh yes, it's all coming back to me now. I have it set to connect every 0.1 days as all my rigs are connected 24/7. If I set it to x days, I should get a stash of WUs. It's amazing how fast you forget things when you're middle-aged :o

Stan :)
joeyjojo said:
So what's rosetta all about? What made you choose it Staneh?

It's a project in a similar vein to Folding - which I will always consider to be a worthwhile project. It was a choice between Predictor, Rosetta and CPDN. Predictor is down just now and CPDN (from previous experience) doesn't like heavily overclocked rigs, so the obvious choice was Rosetta :)

Stan :)

After a day and a half, I am now second in RAC and 32nd in total points - should be on the first page (top 20) in a couple of days :cool:

Pity there are no tiffies for Rosetta - I'm almost at 5,000.

Stan :)
Pumpkinstew said:
I've only got 14,000 points in Rosetta and a RAC of 50 odd :(

I'm done for.

You've probably noticed that Rosetta runs slightly differently to other projects in that you don't crunch a WU to completion as such but crunch to a time limit and produce a number of results for a given model within that time. If you crunch more models than average you get more credit.

You can see how many you've done by using BoincLogX or looking at the results pages at the project webpage. They've recently implemented a nifty feature which highlights your results in the mass of completed models returned.

Give us a wave on the way past won't you.

Actually, I hadn't noticed about the difference but I did wonder why all my rigs were taking 3 hours to finish a WU (seemed a bit strange that an XP1700 (@ XP2600) was taking the same time as an E6300 (@ 3.15)). I've installed BoincLogX to observe my results. I had a look at the results page but wasn't sure what it all meant :o but there were definitely a lot more results than the number of WUs I've crunched.

I'll make a point of waving (translation = parp :p ) as I pass (although I may be travelling at the time and may be a little late).

Thanks for the pointers :)

Stan :)
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