Watch Virgin Media tivo box through PC

11 May 2010
Hi all,

I'm very sorry if this is stupidly simple, but I'm stupidly simple and know nothing about this subject.

I would like to be able to watch the output of my Virgin Media box through my PC sometimes so that I can talk to friends on Discord or browse the web or whatever at the same time.

I know I could just output the Virgin box to my second monitor but that wouldnt let me talk on Discord at the same time as watching due to the seperate sound output.

I don't mind spending money if I need some extra hardware to achieve this as long as it's not too expensive.

Thanks for any help.
You can use Virgin TV To Go on your PC which is a streaming service for their customers. You can watch what's recorded on your Tivo with a phone or tablet using their apps, but not the PC.
You'll need a capture card ideally. One of the decent 1080p gaming ones. You can hear audio from that at the same time as discord. Alternatively put discord to headset and TiVo to speakers.

Wouldn't bother with virgins online streaming the picture quality is guff.
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