watchin Pirates of Silicon Valley

6 Jan 2006
in the middle of watching "Pirates of Silicon Valley " just wounderin has any oe else watched this and does any one realy get adgitated by steve jobs is this story realy so close to home or what ???


edit: is jobs realy this messed up ?
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you see jobs and some ther people make a computer bring it to a confrerence guy from intel invests etc thats the start of them they steal zerox gui

while microsoft make a programming language for a box basicaly a computer that dosnt do anything then try to make some for apple but it dsnt work then they sell there os to ibm but they dont have an os yet so they buy it of a guy in seatle and then get in good books with apple and then steal there gui which has been stolen from zerox then gates gets his new gui out first all in the land of jobs is religious on drugs etc and has a daughter in which he denies he has until the end realy well reckons it isnt his

a phrase which is used a lot
a good theif copys
a great thief steals

am asumming its a more real documentry acting it out....
i did think it was one sided...and trtin to show how mad jobs actualy is

jobs"are you a pirate"
techy "yes been up for 52 hours straight"
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