Watching downloaded tv on the iphone

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18 May 2009
Expat in LA
Hello everyone.

So I finally got delivery on my new iphone today, and love it. Immediately however, I wanna get some of the tv stuff I love on there so I can watch it and get thorugh it whilst on the train and stuff.

So basically, what is the best and easiest way to convert these files, and get the onto the iphone to watch?

What program should I download, and also, how do I ge them onto itunes to transfer them? :D
Handbrake for readying the files for iTunes.

As for attaining said programs, I think such discussion would be against the rules.
is it not legal to put lets say, an avi file onto your iphone? If not, then I shalln't do it...dont want to mess with the warranty or anything...I just assumed it wouldnt be a problem
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