Water filled PC

5 Dec 2005
I am wanting to build a pc with a case with no fan holes in or anythin like that that is see through. I will then fill it with water. I was wondering how would i go about this, i think you have to use de iodised water but i am not sure, and i take it the PSU cant be in the case at all! has anyone done this as i would like some tips? Or even if you havent done it but know the theory your help would be great. Would i leave the fans in so they move the water around or would i leave them out cos they may break from pushing all that water?
I don't think filling it with de-ionised water will work as i think it still shorts out (having had a small leak, as in a couple of drops, onto my graphics card i know it shorts out ;) ) if you have a look on Toms Hardware they tried it recently and it would only stay on for 5 minutes. I think they ended up using mineral oil or something...
At first it will not short but very soon you will get contaminants in the water from contact with the air.

Oil is much better and it has been done before like in the Tomshardware article.
D-ionised water is exactly what it says it is, DE-IONISED. That means the conductive partciles in standard tap water have been extracted. De-ionised water does NOT conduct electricity.

The way it shorts stuff in PC's is by mixing with dust (And thus conductable particles) on the surface of your components and case. Do do the water PC firstly you'd have to completely clean every component until it is totally free of dust (Not far off impossible) and then seal it 100% air tight as to proteect it from conductive particles in the air. This would make upgrading somewhat of a pain with having to unseal, drain, re-clean and fill.

There is no reason why the PSU shouldn't be in the case.

:edit: too slow :(
De-ionised water becomes ionised after any length of time though.

Use what a lot of generators use to cool - oil.
the other trouble is to do this the water will have to be completely de-ionised and believe me the stuff you get from halfords isn't! You're much better off doing this with somethin like Oil but even then it's abit pointless now it's been done.
i have a silent 24/7 internet/downloads rig, it is a fishtank full of oil and a rig with all the fans taken off/out, however i advise oil as deionised water its too easy to contaminate to become conductive.

if you have the money you can angle a few high pressure pumps at hot parts so you can oil cool a high end rig in total silence.
What type of oil did you use, and what temps did you get?

Do natural convection currents form in the oil?
Zefan said:
D-ionised water is exactly what it says it is, DE-IONISED. That means the conductive partciles in standard tap water have been extracted. De-ionised water does NOT conduct electricity.

:edit: too slow :(
I'm sorry to say you are incorrect. Water has a pH of around 7 as at 20 degrees H+ ions are present at 10^-7 concentration, this increases with temperature so water is technically a conductor and digital signals will certainly be affected.
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PanMaster said:
I'm sorry to say you are incorrect. Water has a pH of around 7 as at 20 degrees H+ ions are present at 10^-7 concentration, this increases with temperature so water is technically a conductor and digital signals will certainly be affected.

Correct, even water with all 'impure' ions removed can still dissociate a few H+ ions (actually H3O+ but nvm). Even this small amount of charge carriers can enable a current to flow.
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