Water-hammer keeps reoccuring

8 Oct 2006
Hi all,

Just wanted a bit of advice, I have a unvented system boiler I think, and basically for the last couple of weeks whenever I turn the hot water tap (upstairs or downstairs) I get the "Water Hammer Noise" of the pipes vibrating when I close the hot water tap.

I turned the water supply off, let the water/air drain out and then turn supply back on, this fixes the problem for about a day and a half before it starts again.

Anyone have any ideas whats up?
Well it started upstairs in bathroom, but now it happens in the kitchen downstairs as well. The kitchen had its taps replaced last year so I don't think its the washer, and the fact that the problem goes away for a day or 2 once I drain the system leads me to beleive its something else? The noise seems to come from the cupboard where the hot water tank is.
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