water + remotes = ....

25 Jan 2003
Newark, Notts
I have 6 remote controls on my bedside table (dvd, sky, tv, hifi, 360,old hifi), as well as my phone. Last night I had a pint glass of water on there as I was quite ill and my mouth kept drying up all night. By the time i got to sleep this glass was still 3/4 full, and at around 6.30am i heard the glass drop....

all my remotes were covered. Luckily my phone escaped, and even my laptop was attacked by a few drops, cue some frantic hair dryer action and parents asking what the hell was going on. After about 15mins I gave the tv and DVD remotes a few shakes and you could literally hear the water swishing about inside. As it was so early i just shoved them all on the radiator and went back to sleep. After waking up at around 10am, they all work perfectly! Am i just lucky or is it common for remotes to retain their working status even after being drowned?!
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