
27 Jun 2005
lo guys,does any1 know anythin bout those new alphacool kits on the cooling section.

would it be worth the upgrade to 1 of these from stock cooling(venice 3200+)or **** i just invest in a quality air cooler like a a/c pro 64?

cheers in advance ;)
would it worthy in the sense of keepin my system cool and maybe stable if i o/c'd

aint got a huge budget so i couldnt afford to buy the swiftec et al kits for £100 + but if it was any good i could proberly stretch to buy this kit.

would it be a waste of cash spendin bucks on a basic kit,or just get a descent air cooler?is there likely 2 b much differance in temps between the 2 (air and water?)
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