Watercooling N00b Needs A Little Help

6 Jun 2005
Church Fenton
The question is under all this little info if you wana scip ahead :p

Spec as follows

- 4400X2 @ 2.6 (cooled by scythe ninjar)
- DFI Expert
- Akasa Eclipse Case

Well iv orderd some watercooling parts as follows.

- Silverprop Cyclone Nexus SX chipset waterblock (MM)
- Danger Den CSP-MAG 12 Volt Pump
- Swiftech MCRES-MICRO™ Reservoir
- Black Ice Pro Compact High Peformance Radiator - Black
- Tygon 3603 1/2" ID Clear Tubing

Bascialy I only need to watercool the chipset silly I know but it runs stupidly hot and Iv checked the placment of the zalman heatsink (which is cooled by a fan) and the temps still go above 50C idle.

My aim is to keep the chipset and the PWmic chip cool, leaving my more head room to overclock the 4400 which is perfectly fine on air atm.


I have no idea really where I can put the rad.
Iv read your ment to put it at the front of the case if you can, but I cant because of the hard drive cage and cant use the second drive cage because of the size of the scythe.

Could it be mounted on the back fo the case?

Any help on this would be great thanks.
ichabod crane said:
you mount the rad at the top front of your case taking up one drive bay... or attach it to the back both will need a little work to sort them... personally chipset cooling is pointless... and just watercooling that is a waste of time but you have your reasons...

How would it even work in a drive bay :confused: no air flow at that part of the case.

I will eventualy move onto the CPU but first I need a new case and more money :p I have a dual Loops in mind.
I thought id draw some lil diagrams for you all.

Cold air comes in 120mm fan over hard drive and then goes out the back via 120mm fan or PSU. All fans are at 5v or 7v.

The res and pump are behind the hard drive cage or pump will be ontop depending how small it is.

Wondering if the have cold air coming in the back through the rad or blowing out through it.

*edit*found a picture...what on earth is that

*edit* oh...PWmic water blocks :p

could do couldnt I they both run at around 50C and having dual loops later on wouldnt change that setup.

Shame they all seem to be made of nickle. My blocks are all copper and aluminium.
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