Watercooling Newbie Advice



1 May 2021
Midlands UK
Just a little background - I've wanted to do a water cooled build for years and am finally ready to actually go ahead. My reasons for wanting to do it aren't to do with aesthetics but instead for low noise and because, well, it's cool. I don't intend to overclock anything.

I've just a couple of parts where I'm hoping to get some advice or confirmation.

So the components I want to cool (which I already own) are an amd 5950 and a kfa2 geforce 3090 sg.

The parts I'm looking at getting are:
EK Quantum Vector RTX 3080/3090 Copper + Plexi (WC-A14-EK)
EK Quantum Vector RTX 3080/3090 Backplate (WC-A15-EK)
EK Quantum Magnitude AM4 CPU Block Copper + Acetal (VO-002-EK)
2x EK CoolStream CE 420 Radiators (WC-99I-EK)
EX XTOP Revo Dual D5 PWM (WC-945-EK)
EK-RES X3 250 Reservoir (WC-314-EK)

Then for fittings I was planning on using
EK-Torque Angled 90 Black Nickel (WC-9V8-EK)
EK-Tube ZMT Matte Black 19/13mm (WC-9NY-EK)
XSPC G1/4 to 1/2 Barb Fitting (WC-099-XS)
EK Tube Clamp PVC 17-19mm (WC-9NQ-EK)
Monsoon Premium Temp Plug Chrome (WC-137-MO)
Bitspower Temperature Sensor Carbon Black (WC-520-BP)
EK Stop Fitting Plexi (WC-432-EK)

I know that 2 radiators is probably overkill, but considering the cost of the rest of the system adding another rad just because isn't really adding a significant price, and if it'll help it stay quiet then it's worth it to me.

I had planned to order a couple more of the barbs than I expect to need - just in case - cos once I start building I don't want to have to wait for a delivery. Also planned to get a couple of extra stop fittings, in case there are more holes to stop than I think there are.

For fluid I was planning on just using some de-ionised water. That ok?

So I was trying to follow the advice on keeping to the same metals - in this case I was trying to stay with copper but some of the fittings I can't find in copper - does that matter?

Is the tube the right size to go with the barb attachments?

Should I get a flow rate sensor - is it necessary - I would have thought a fan with a curve set to come on full blast if it reaches over a certain temp would be indicator enough if there was an issue?

Am I missing anything else I ought to have, or anything that will make it easier to do... something?

Any other things or gotchas I should know?

Thanks all for your time
Thanks for the tips. I have a couple of follow up comments/questions:

On your suggestion I looked again at the compression fittings and I see a footnote on EK's page for the 16/11 tubing saying it works perfectly with 16/12 fittings. As someone new to this, it's kind of confusing that they have different dimensions in the titles and I had originally given up on those compression fittings because I couldn't find tubing with the same numbers.

Is this D5 (WC-9VH-EK) the right thing - I had seen it and thought it looked like a replacement part. I assume I would also need something such as this mount (WC-9DY-EK)? When I looked before all the other D5 pumps have rgb (and I'm kind of allergic to rgb :D) which is why I ended up picking the dual one. And yes, I could just turn it off, but some irrational subconscious part of me hates that it's there enough to spend more on one that doesn't have it.

Do you have any recommended flow meter and the fan controller device? I hadn't really gone as far as how I was planning to control the fans yet. The temp sensors I had thought to maybe plug them into a raspberry pi or similar - mostly so I can tinker more than anything.

Ball valve to drain sounds like the voice of experience. I shall have to add one to the list.
On the PSU - also sounds like a good tip, I have a bunch of old pc's in my garage I could raid but I have a bench power supply so I figure I will try to hook that up before I go raiding old machines for parts.

Thanks again
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