Watercooling Newbie

18 Dec 2005
Well, thought I'd finally take that leap, always been intrigued and always wanetd to say 'omg my PC is watercooled111oneone'.
Anywho, point is, I was wondering, rather than getting a 120.2 rad could you put a 120 rad at one end of the PC, then say another 120 slightly higher up as a 120.2 wouldn't fit... If you get what I mean.
Was thinking of the Antec P180, where there's the 120 round the back, then a 120 just above.

Or is it just a stupid idea, would it make any difference?
seeing as the PSU in a p180 is in the bottom of the case you should have more than enough room for a 120.2 rad in the top of the case - and if you sacrificed a couple drive bays you could easily get a 120.3 in there.
That's what I was thinking. What would be the best way to mod a 120.2 to the top of the case? Drag the exhaust vent forward 12cm and cut a hole for another 120 by the 120 that is already there? Also would I have the fans sucking air or blow on to the rad?
jidh007 said:
That's what I was thinking. What would be the best way to mod a 120.2 to the top of the case? Drag the exhaust vent forward 12cm and cut a hole for another 120 by the 120 that is already there? Also would I have the fans sucking air or blow on to the rad?

Sucking air up through the case and out would be my advice. Otherwise you get lots of hot air coming down into the case that needs to be gotten rid of.
Right, so have the radiator directly in line with the case, then inside the case have the fans blowing air out and up. Any suggestions on the best way of cutting the extra 120?
Masking tape the top of the case, mark out exactly the shape you want to cut and then use a dremmel or circular saw. Why not post down in the case forum - you will get more advice there. :)
well, Ive had a look inside of my P180 (thats empty at the mo) and I think if you put the rear fan of a dual 120 rag where the existing fan is in the top of the case, you would be fine, just cutting a new hole for the front fan.

The 120mil fan that is in the rear of the case should provide enough airflow to remove any excess heat from the rad (even if you had to crank it up a notch)
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