Watercooling Question?

7 Mar 2005
Eating PI
New rig time very very soon, was wondering about the setup. I'm looking at an Opty 175 and the swiftech kit, plus the chipset and vga coolers.

If I do this am I best to set the system up on air first to check that everything works or am I okay just slapping it straight on water at stock and checking it all?
cavemanoc said:
TBH you would be much better off building your own kit from scratch - the 175 is an awesome chip (not worth the money over the 165/170 in my opinion, but hey... each to their own - I'd save cash there and buy better water-cooling kit!)

There are plenty of threads on 'what should I buy...?' - but something along the line of:

Pump: D5 (pound for pound THE best pump money can buy, especially if you can rig it up to about 17v)

CPU: I'm a Danger Den fan (but then that's because I like Pelts) - The Storm is excellent as well

Gpu - again - Maze 4-1 (Danger Den) or the plain Maze 4 is awesome - don't bother with the full card coolers - memory does NOT benefit from 'extreme' cooling - saw a thread from a guy who went Phase on his - gained +1Mhz! Not good value!

NB: Don't bother, it will not help! Havin said that - as long as it doesn't interfere with the Gfx card, you can always use an AlphaCool - but they are major flow killers for no oc'ing advantage

Res: Make life easier - I like the cylindrical ones - but the Bayres's are nice and easy to fit

Radiator: Minimum 120.2, preferably a 120.3 (though those in the know will tell you that on that rig anything above the 120.2's is showing off - the real advantage is that you can run the fans slower on the 120.3's so quieter!)

Tubing: 1/2 inch man myself, but again, the 3/8 stuff is easier to use for very little penalty - just buy lots! (6 feet as a minimum if this is a first build! You'll understand after the first cut :p )

And that's about it - enjoy!

Thanks for that guys. Bascially i'll be in no rush to get the system up and running cos i'm planning on building the new rig with this one still running and then sell the parts on afterwards.

As far as the CPU goes, the only reason I have in going for the Opty 175 is the multiplier (x11) cos the HTT doesn't seem to go much past 280mhz on any mobo.

Gfx card wise I had only planned on cooling the GPU and then sticking some zalman fins on each memory chip, just for safety.
It's a very silly idea that just popped into my head, but people keep talking about Eheim pumps for water cooled systems.

Just found a fish tank bucket filter system in my shed i've had for years and on the top there is an eheim pump that'll do 1900litres/hour. Do you think that'll work!

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