

8 Aug 2007
Hi Guys

Been having a think recently about some activities we can offer in our shop at OcUK HQ and what I would like to do is offer a Watercooling workshop every few months. Sort of like a mini forum meet but with an aim to provide our customers not just with the hardware range to buy but also practical instruction and advice on how to install it.

Ideally, this is to attract newcomers but everyone would be welcome.

The premise would be that we make a forum thread every few months, with a Saturday date so that more people are available, I would try to arrange it around a month in advance.

Users sign up via an official forum thread in the latest news and deals section for an AM or PM slot with a view to 10-15 people attending each session.

The session would be ran in a format designed to get everyone up to the same knowledge level and then progress from there.

- A simple introduction to watercooling.
- examples of watercooling designs and how to design a basic loop
- what sort of hardware to buy and how to decide what you need
- installation demonstration
- filling techniques
- draining a loop and general maintenance.
- Q&A session at the end.

This would last around 2 hours and be something I would be offering in my own time, free of charge.

We could also offer a more advanced session for things like graphics card cooling or advanced cooling solutions if there was a demand for it.

Really, I am looking for feedback from you guys to see if it is something that people would want us to offer. If it sees a lot of popularity, then we can of course increase the frequency of how often it happens.

comments and suggestions are more than welcome :)

Would you consider offering something like this at Insomnia? I know it'd be easier at HQ, with your full stock at hand, but there will be quite a few people with their rigs there anyway.

It is something we could consider, the only problem I can foresee at an event like that is that I usually start losing my voice after day 2 trying to communicate with customers standing next to me so we would need a PA system and a large stand, so perhaps at summer lan.

I think it would be important to get the format right first with small groups in the shop and get me used to presenting again.
I would be 100% be up for this!

Would we also be able to video record it for our new Youtube channel? all credits would go to Overclockers ofc on discussions with yourselves, free advertisement.

We are just 20min down the road so good location for us :P

I would be fine with that :)

Is food provided?! :D

im sure we could arrange some tea and biscuits but we dont really have the facilities for anything too elaborate.

we have a subway/kfc/mcdonalds right next to us as well as a morrisons over the road for anyone wanting snacks.

the value of the goody bag for attending would be hopefully enough incentive.

Great idea but as already mentioned the distance is a killer for most of us!

Video'ing it would be good, you could also do a 'dummy' demonstration and post it up here so knowledgeable members could advise on things missed out/ways of demonstrating and presenting.

I think having it filmed whilst doing the demo would be better. I hated being on camera when I did the OcUK tech labs kit video, whilst it looks fairly natural, I would be much better at presenting to an audience I feel.

I think that a Twitch stream with potential to upload a video to youtube also will be the answer here as I would love to get community feedback as well as extend the reach of the activity to community members further afield.

I am still waiting for the green light from management but the idea is certainly something I am very keen to do.

even if the shop based workshops dont work/prove unpopular/dont get the go ahead. then we can look at doing something for the youtube channel as it has been quiet on there since Nathan left OcUK.
Just adding, maybe someone said this; you could always do like a live stream/recording of it. So people who live too far away will not miss out on what is going on etc.

nobody mentioned that, good thinking



for those that can't make it produce a series of videos or video the event (it could even be live). :)

How about streaming it? (Sorry if already mentioned)

+1 for streaming it or putting a video on Overclockers youtube channel :)

like others have mentioned online videos too. :)

Video'ing it would be good

But def video it too and pop it onto the OcUK TV thing

Perhaps a livesteam webcam feed for those who can't make it in person?

Youtube tutorial videos for distance learning?
@ rjkoneill

Possible idea for you would be, to offer Promotional Discount on the back of the Workshop/Live Stream. Something like 5% off all WC products for say 7-14 Days After.

Saves people a little money, and mite encourage those who tempted to try watercooling to "bite the bullet" and order. And in return OCUK actuall mite also gain from higher order volumes and in return.. they might actually pay you overtime for hosting such workshops in future :)

I have some deal propositions lined up that i will be presenting to management.

currently speaking with my key vendors for support on this.

Realistically, I want to offer exclusive deals and discounts to attendees. whilst it would be something to offer to every customer in the future, the initial few workshops are where I really want to treat the attendees as special.

There are people talking about coming from London to hear me rabble on about water cooling for a few hours. These are the people that deserve exclusive discounts etc.

not to say that there wont be discounts available for forum members also, but the attendees in my eyes should get special treatment in the form of goodie bags and a few bits and pieces to show our appreciation for being a part of this. That way we will build demand for spaces at each event and each workshop will fill up the spaces quickly each time I announce a date on the forums.
Now an Overclocking how-to session... that'd be sweet! ;)

the plan is to develop this format if it proves successful.

8Pack seems pretty enthusiastic about offering a service like this also. so overclocking sessions are potentially on the cards too.

we need to find a balance between the frequency we offer the workshop and the demand for them.

once we I get the go ahead to proceed and an opportunity to have some meetings with the people who will be involved in assisting me make this happen, then I will be straight on the forums organising this all.

to give everyone an equal opportunity to register themselves as attendees, I will do a notification thread in this section stating the time I will post a new thread with all of the details in. that way people will be prepared to get on the forum and grab themselves a place :)
I think you should make it a little more exclusive than a weekly affair.

It wouldn't be seen as something special then. Just the norm.

its not going to be weekly :confused: what gave you that impression.

Im certainly not going to be coming in on my day off every week :p
Water cooling companies are generally quite small and don't have the resources to rep their products in loads of forums.

We do all of the promo for a lot of our key brands and some are here, we will be doing something special for this.
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