Watermark software

7 Aug 2004
Hey All, im trying to add my name and copyright in the lower left of a bunch photos in a folder, I tried the photoshop method but as there all different sizes of pics it doesnt align, tried batch process and everything, not good. Is there a program that lets you simply add a watermark/copyright to a photo and do it in batch process quickly and easly ?
Adam Senior said:
only thing i know of would be 2 use photoshop and jst lower the transparency of the logo/watermark u wonna use..but as you say you have tried that sorry dude..

yeah ? I dont get it, apparently in photoshop I have to make a macro 2 watermark in batch......I can watermark one photo, just not a folder full automatically, is there a simple option to watermark that iv been silly and missed? googling just turns up the create a macro method
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