we got lightning! down south!



Man of Honour
18 Oct 2002
South Coast
not a regular occurance so it's nice and fresh for us ¬_¬


This is another one just resized though

The heat is still here! I need to have 2-3 showers a day just to feel comfortable!

Oh and the flying ants :mad: :mad: :mad:
How do you manage to catch lightning like that? I'm barely quick enough to catch a glimspe of it let alone take a photo. Great shot!
Just use mirror lockup and (if you have one) a cable release, leave shutter open for 20~ seconds at a time at about f8 to f11 in bulb mode using infitinity focus and capture away :D
That's not too bad! I was tempted to go down to the waterfront since it looked more active in that area but my dad shouted at me because apparently people got struck on the news by lightning ;_;
mrk said:
Just use mirror lockup and (if you have one) a cable release, leave shutter open for 20~ seconds at a time at about f8 to f11 in bulb mode using infitinity focus and capture away :D

Can you explain 'mirror lockup' please? What does it do :)

Never thought about long exposure for lightning lol. I've always tried to catch it as it happens... What a n00b lol.
Mirror lock up is a feature in SLRs to move the mirror to the postion to allow the shutter to gain light. This requires shots to be taken with 2 clicks of the take button. The first will lock the mirror up (the viewfinder will no longer be useable when this has happened) and the 2nd will open the shutter exposing the sensor/film. Once the exposure is finished both shutter and mirror will return down.
Fstop11 said:
Mirror lock up is a feature in SLRs to move the mirror to the postion to allow the shutter to gain light. This requires shots to be taken with 2 clicks of the take button. The first will lock the mirror up (the viewfinder will no longer be useable when this has happened) and the 2nd will open the shutter exposing the sensor/film. Once the exposure is finished both shutter and mirror will return down.

Is this different to simply using a long shutter speed?
I was up between 2am and 3am trying to shoot the lightening here. It was so intense I couldn't sleep anyhow. Wish I had thought of mirror lookup! :o
Gorseland behind my house caught fire this morning thanks to a lightning strike. Bit of a dilemna whether to photograph the blaze or save the house ;)
Fstop11 said:
Mirror lock up is a feature in SLRs to move the mirror to the postion to allow the shutter to gain light. This requires shots to be taken with 2 clicks of the take button. The first will lock the mirror up (the viewfinder will no longer be useable when this has happened) and the 2nd will open the shutter exposing the sensor/film. Once the exposure is finished both shutter and mirror will return down.

Please excuse my ignorane. Does this mean a more accurate/sharp picture due to the mirror not moving?
It's also a good alternative to using a cable release for those without one as you can set up MLU to on and use timer mode which locks the mirror for 2secs then takes the shot although not so good if you are using bulbe mode (so basically anything below 30sec is ok where bulb is not needed)
Amazing shots, i never really manage to get any lightening shots though, ill have ago tonight (its quite stormy atm) with those settings mrk said about.
thelonecrouton said:
There was awesome lightning over Oxfordshire for nearly an hour last night. Sadly I'd left my camera in the car 50 yards away and it was ******* with rain... so no pics... :p
Yeah it was awesome! Haven't seen lightning like that since I went to Florida.
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