Wearing glasses while riding



15 Nov 2006
Does anyone find riding while wearing prescription glasses difficult. Perhaps it's a feature of my prescription, but as the lenses move relative to the eye, the object I'm focused on also moves, even if it is in the distance. Think of it as tiny vibrations are amplified, and it can become quite distracting. Typically I don't wear glasses when riding, only got the prescription due to headaches from eye strain, but I find myself wearing them more often.

I'm wondering if contact lenses are the way to go, as these would not move relative to the eye?
No, they seem pretty tight. But the slightest movement amplifies the apparent movement of distant objects. It's hard to explain, the prescription in one eye is quite strong, whereas the other eye is fine. My combined vision is fine, hence not needing to wear glasses all the time, but not wearing them for long periods of time results in headaches.
I'm fairly sure my helmet is fine. Nice snug fit. But if there is any movement of the helmet, by even just a millimetre with respect to my head, the glasses also shift, being in such close proximity to the helmet. The slightest movement seems to be enough to cause huge vertical movement of objects in the distance. I'm wondering if this is something to do with the rather large cylinder correction in my right eye, also seems to only affect the vertical plane, and not the horizontal.

Having spoke with my dad who rides with glasses, he doesn't experience the same problem. His prescription is not as strong as mine. I think it's just my prescription. Time for contacts I think.
I have just been out on the bike wearing my other pair of glasses, and thankfully the problem was not present. Must just be my other pair that was causing the awful distortions. I was beginning to think, my eyes can't be that bad?
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