Web design help needed - fitting monitor screen

11 Nov 2006
Hello people,

I'm looking for some help with web design. I designed my site using dreamweaver and on my laptop screen it fits perfectly without having to scroll across horizontally but when i use a different monitor this is no longer the case. Is there anyway i can have it automatically fit to a screen that people dont have to scroll across horizontally.

The website is www.shadowhosting.co.uk

No flaming please im still a noob and lstill learning lol

Thanks in advance!
Use percentages. You've always got that 400px or whatever gap on the left, no matter what size screen you use it on. If you used 10% it would adjust.
Thanks for the reply Phaser, I think i will give that a try when i get home. But when i look at a site like ntl's home page (www.ntlworld.com) it fits the screen perfectly on any monitor and even if you resize the window, which is really what i would like in the long term.
shadow4509 said:
Thanks for the reply Phaser, I think i will give that a try when i get home. But when i look at a site like ntl's home page (www.ntlworld.com) it fits the screen perfectly on any monitor and even if you resize the window, which is really what i would like in the long term.

The main part of that page is fixed width. i.e. whatever monitor resolution you're viewing it on, the main bit of the page is always going to be the same number of pixels with the bits on each side (the white bits) stretching to fill the remaining pixels.
Is this a serious webhosting enterprise or is it just a webdesign exercise? I hope it is the latter. :confused:
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Topgun said:
Is this a serious webhosting enterprise or is it just a webdesign exercise? I hope it is the latter. :confused:

Yeah i sell web hosting, and i know the sites not great (i did say i was a noob) but the hosting sells very well.

Why what was your concerns?

Oh and thanks for the responses!
I'm well pleased for you mate! I am concerned because of the "unlimited" disk space and bandwidth offering. It's generally frowned upon for two reasons.

a) Technically there is no such thing as unlimited bandwidth or diskspace so it is false advertising. I don't really buy into this argument because you could just expand your infrastructure if need be. What if I created a script to duplicate a 100mb file 10000 times?

b) How sustainable is your business model? For example, I have a 100mb site with about 6000GB of downloads per month. Sure if you are the size of 1and1 you could manage it but how many sites like that could you absorb on your own? If you are some kind of unlimited reseller, it wont be long before your host tries to get rid of you.

As far as the site design goes, take a look at the hosting templates at templatemonster.com.
Hi Topgun,

Thanks for the reply. Yeah i see where you are coming from and understand what you are saying, and i wasn't trying to blow my own trumpet when i said they sell well ( i know you didn't say i was but when i read it back i gave that impression).

I am a reseller but not unlimited, the reseller pack was bought through streamline who have excellent reviews, and the people that have bought hosting through me have said that they are very happy with the package and the speed of the servers.

The people i wanted to provide hosting for was mainly gaming clans, simply because most of them have limited funds but want good hosting that runs well. I'm not trying to get rich quick or anything like that just trying to help the clan community.

Thanks again for the reply and your thoughts and cheers for that site link gonna take a peek now!
shadow4509 said:
Hi Topgun,

I'm not trying to get rich quick or anything like that just trying to help the clan community.

Thanks again for the reply and your thoughts and cheers for that site link gonna take a peek now!

hehe. It's quite refreshing to read that becuse getting rich quick is the EXACT reason why most people get into the webhosting business. I'm sure 99% of them fail to make any money at all. Good luck.
well I hope the guy who runs my hosting is making some money coz the dude deserves it.

I tend to think if customers are happy then your company builds, sometimes slowly, but if not happy then you have to find new business, which is difficult. I know I'm stating the obvious but it's a good point.
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