Web design... Is it easy to learn fast?

19 Dec 2003
Hi folks,

I have applied for a job that involves web design, now, it's not a MUST HAVE ability to create perfect websites that look amazing.

But knowledge of html and code is obviously needed, CSS apparantly is good to know but not essential...

What I want to know is, if offered an interview, would it be easy to pick up the basics fast?

I have already made my own websites in Dreamweaver, but i've never really gone into the code side of things...
Why do you want a job in web design if you have no experience with code?

It didn't take me very long after doing tutorials to know the basics, but the basics suck :)
I have an interest in all things PC, Internet, Webpages etc :)

The only difference is, whilst I have a lot of knowledge of PC's inside and out, web design is always something ive done little of, but still liked.

I can pick things up quickly, I guess I shoulda reworded it to ...

If I bought a book on Java/HTML is it quick to pick up the basics :D
Practice, practice, practice :D

Seriously its the only way.

Start off totally from scratch in notepad and get a basic CSS file set up. Create a one page site and stick some content in. Then try changing everything by altering the CSS file. You will get an appreciation of how powerfull it can be.

Also worth looking into includes, Im only just getting into them myself after some recommendations from here, but there is loads oh help out there on google.
Mark M said:
Practice, practice, practice :D

Seriously its the only way.

Start off totally from scratch in notepad and get a basic CSS file set up. Create a one page site and stick some content in. Then try changing everything by altering the CSS file. You will get an appreciation of how powerfull it can be.

Also worth looking into includes, Im only just getting into them myself after some recommendations from here, but there is loads oh help out there on google.

could you link to any good online stuff for includes as i would be really intrested in them. Thanx (ps sorry 4 hi-jax)

http://www.htmldog.com/ - for learning the basics :) v good site.
what I don't get is that you're applying for a job , and you freely admit, you don't know much of it.

??? anyone with some half-decent knowledge will see through
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Learn the difference between Java and Javascript first.

I've interviewed a few people who have clearly used Dreamweaver but very little else - it's quite easy to spot, especially if you ask them something obscure regarding Javascript.

Mr^B said:
Learn the difference between Java and Javascript first.


Yep, it's amazing the number of people who think there is actually a link between Java and Javascript. Two very disparate languages, with very little in common except the word 'Java'.
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