WEB DEVELOPERS: Dynamic HTML rows, with List items which cascade with the Dynamic rows

19 Nov 2011
Afternoon ladies and gentlemen,

I am wondering if any of you guys can help me with the issue I am having. Basically, I have a table which has a button to add dynamic rows with a index from 0- to the last row number.

I have the code for the basic HTML table here:

<table id="table1">
          <th>Area not inspected</th>
          <td><input list "areaList" name="area[0]" id="area" onchange=""></td>
          <td><input list="reason" name="reason[0]"></td>
          <td><button type="button" onClick="addRow('table1')">+</button></td>
Ignore the [0] at the end of the names, it is posting to PHP so is used as the index

Here is the code which I use to add the new rows, using Javascript:

function addRow() {
	"use strict";
	var table = document.getElementById("table1");
	var r = table.rows.length;
	var a = r - 1;
	var row = table.insertRow(r);
	var cell1 = row.insertCell(0);
	var element1 = document.createElement("input");
	element1.type = "text";
	var cell2 = row.insertCell(1);
	var element2 = document.createElement("input");
	element2.type = "text";
	var cell3 = row.insertCell(2);
	cell3.innerHTML = "<button type='button' onClick='delRow(&quot;table1&quot;, this)'>remove</button>";

Currently on the HTML table the first entry has a drop down menu, but the subsequent additional rows do not, I am using a Datalist for the options on the dropdown which looks like this:

 <datalist id="areaList">
        <option value="Plant rooms">Plant rooms</option>
        <option value="Attic">Attic</option>
        <option value="Cleaning cupboard">Cleaning cupboard</option> 

My question is; how do I make the dropdown available on other newly added rows? I have tried using JSONobj, but have not had much luck, as an example I have tried this:

var jsonObj = {"category1":["subcat 1"],"category2":["subcat 2.1","subcat 2.2"],"category3":["subcat 3.1","subcat 3.2","subcat 3.3"]};
var keys = Object.keys(jsonObj);
var category_dropdown = document.getElementById("selectCategory"); 

var getSelectedItem = function(element, row) {
    var e = element;
    var selectedCategory = e.options[e.selectedIndex].value;
    var sub_category_dropdown = (row != null ? row.getElementsByTagName("select")[1] : document.getElementById("selectSubCategory"));
    for (var i=0;i<jsonObj[selectedCategory].length;i++) {
        sub_category_dropdown[sub_category_dropdown.length] = new Option(jsonObj[selectedCategory][i],jsonObj[selectedCategory][i]);

Would someone kindly be able to show me an example of how this would be done? At this stage I have exhausted my knowledge of Javascript and HTML, so seek a bit of guidance! :)
The datalists will be setup at page load so when you dynamically create more after this, they wont be set up.

You should have something like this being run when page loads:

You just need to do this again for the new datalists after you have created them.
Sorry, ignore my previous post - I thought you were using the dataList plugin.

The problem is that the input items you create dont have the "list" attribute defined.
You need to add:

element1.setAttribute("list", "areaList");


element2.setAttribute("list", "reason");
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I had a little play around last night and uploaded my code of Codepen, and it is here: http://codepen.io/russell664/pen/reBboO

Short to say, it has been sorted! :D

All was added to my existing code was:

$(document).ready(function() {
  $('.btnAdd').click(function() {
    var newDropDown = $('#table1 tr:last').find('input[name*=area]');
    newDropDown.attr('list', 'areaList').removeAttr('type');

I am not using a JavaScript libraries, as I was trying to make it as lightweight as possible. :)
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